And by "helping," I mean she is trying to take over the whole operation.
She started by carrying some empty boxes and wrapping paper to our Christmas present wrapping station, which we call the living room floor.
There she retained total control over the wrapping paper and tape. See her outfit? Pink dress, pink socks, and red sweatpants. She misses all of her pretty summer dresses, so she's been taking avantage of the warmer temps we've had over the last week.
"If you want Ganma to hand you the tape, you say, 'Ganma, puh-lease hand me da tape now.'"
"Whoo hoo! I even get to put tape on the presents!"
Too precious! I can just see her.
Looks like she learned it from a pro!!!
She is being such a good helper. My little helpers put the tape on the walls, the furniture, and not to mention themselves and me!!!
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