Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oh, Christmas tree!

*Update: Please read the section at the bottom of this post! If you like my tree, please consider going here to vote for me (#28) in an online Christmas tree decorating contest. Thank you!*

Welcome to my home! This is the first time I have participated in BooMama's Christmas Tour of Homes, and I am so excited! This is the earliest I've ever gotten my Christmas tree up, and I can't tell you how much my children and husband appreciate it. Plus, I have the added bonus of not hearing, "Soooo...Have you thought about putting the tree up?" every other day.

The first (and easiest) of the Christmas decorations to go up was the wreath, with the beautiful bow given to me last year by my friend Brenda:

I brought out the nativity scene my parents gave us...I think it was the Christmas I was pregnant with Robert. No broken pieces...yet...despite the persistent efforts of Robert and Josiah.

The tree was decorated with a lot of help from the younger two. :) I tend to want to put every ornament we have on the tree, but I left many in the boxes this year. I just ran out of steam.

Do any of you group your ornaments in any way, or is it just me? I did this unintentionally for several I don't fight it and do it on purpose. :) Certain ones have a magnetic pull towards other certain ones.

Anyone care to guess how old the Santa in the green suit is? Or the Santa in the hot air balloon (whose face you can't see very well)? My mom made the red Christmas tree and the pink ball ornaments, probably when I was a toddler. Somehow most of the pins and beads stayed in all of these years, despite my persistent efforts as a child.

Here is the Georgia section:

Here are our three White House ornaments as well as the Olympics ornament my mom bought in 1996 when the Olympics came to Athens.

The Olympic flame "flickers" and there is a small button at the back that, when pressed, plays the theme of the Olympics. This has been a kid favorite for all of the years we've had it on our tree. Josiah currently holds the fascination with this ornament, and plays it "for Grace." Guess how many times I hear that little tune every day? And, no, we don't have connections to the White House. You can find these beautiful ornaments on eBay. :)

My aunt painted the Santa (in the 1980s?), and my mom painted the cute little dalmation in 1974. (I had a dalmation named Lady at the time.) The Holly Hobby ornament is from my elementary school days.

The angel that tops the tree:

Isn't it beautiful?


Just for fun...OK, not just for fun--I really would like to win and receive a Zune MP3 player. ;) I am participating in a Christmas tree decorating contest! Please vote for me! :) Tell your friends to vote for me! :) You can click on the new button on my sidebar or the link above for more information about the contest. Voting starts on Saturday, December 13th, and runs until Friday, December 16th. You can vote once daily through Friday. Thank you so much!

* You have to vote over there within the comments section, not here at my blog. Thanks again! And I apologize for all of the shameless begging! :)


Anonymous said...

OOHHH.. pretty deccorations. I tend to want to evenly spread out the sets. Most of mine don't match anyway though. I got the tree out of the attic but it is still in the box.

I love the one of Grace decorating the tree.

P.S. What's up with all the dawgs on your tree?


Anonymous said...
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Mama to 12, so far said...

Beautiful tree! I don't decorate in sections, the kids do that! Naw, just kidding. I do put Dino and Hoppy together and all the glass ornaments out of little hands' reach!


Janet said...

Hi Georgia Person, I just voted on your lovely Christmas tree. LOL Come visit sometimes. :) Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

such effort to decorate in sections.. I am going to have to try it! Beautiful tree and you are having much more success with Grace than I am with my littlest angel in keeping the decorations on the tree, Love the Moon Gang

Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

Everything looks lovely - merry, merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hope this insures you get my vote. The tree is beautiful...

Carol said...

I love the idea of decorating in sections. My collections each get their own tree. Different "tree" each year. hah!

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us.

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Go Dawgs! :-) love the ornaments!

Kristen said...

What a gorgeous tree. You did a nice job!

Cathy said...

How pretty!! Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Shannon said...

I love all the different ornaments! I too have my Holly Hobby ornaments from when i was a kids. Mine were a set of four sparkly egg shaped ones each with Holly Hobby wearing a different colored dress!

I don't try to group them or spread them out but i have noticed since the tree has been up this year a tendency for those down low to regroup themselves in varying ways, almost daily. I haven't caught the kids at it but I think they all are doing it. Glad I put the breakable ones mostly up high!

pcb said...

Knew I had to leave a comment when I saw the Dawg section! We're huge fans and have UGA on our tree as well.

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