This is Grace when she was 8 months old, before all of the curls came in. When she was on her belly, she would push up into a split until she was in a sitting position! Seriously...This is not posed--there was only the conscious effort I made to catch her in a full split while she was wearing this particular outfit. ;) Just look at all of that sweet chubbiness! What do you think...future gymnast?
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She is the cutest thing!! I am amazed (and envious!) at her flexibility, too :)
Oh how cute! We're in Ga too! My son would love the Big G!
I see gold in her future. (Olympics) Cute photo...
I'm having a Valentine's give-a-way on my blog, come on over and check it out. :D
She looks like an itty bitty female Jason in these photos to me.
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