
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Bono

Bono, our 7 month old puppy, thinks he'd make a great lap dog.

...And he loves to try.

This post is linked to 5 Minutes for Mom and Sarah Halstead at The Naptime Momtog for Wordless Wednesday.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

This week's photo scavenger hunt items were:
  1. Sparkle
  2. Pattern(s)
  3. Machine
  4. Signs or logos
  5. Rocks or stones


Grace's eyes sparkled when she had the chance to ride a horse for the very first time last night!  We went to a fall festival at a local church, and this was the first time there was not a terribly long line to ride the horses they have every year. 

Grace (6) was tickled!  She loves horses!  She said she felt really big way up there.


The birds flying together didn't seem to have any pattern...I think they were just thinking, "We have to get out of here!  Now!!"  The temperature dropped dramatically yesterday afternoon.


My 13 year old washing machine died last Tuesday.  :(  We are hoping to buy a new one in the next couple of days, but in the meantime, thanks to my friends Kim and Kelli, there have still been clean clothes hanging to dry in my laundry room (and elsewhere).

That's homemade laundry detergent in the Purex bottle.  :)


We saw the sign for the hay ride at the fall festival but decided not to stay out in the terribly cold wind any longer.  (OK, Jason and I decided not to stay any longer.  Josiah and Grace would have been fine with taking a ride, I'm sure.)


 Rocks or stones

This was the best I could come up with this week for this topic.  This is what we use to hold the pens and pencils that are always on our kitchen table.  I decided not to fight that losing battle and came up with  something pretty enough to keep out. 

Click on the link below to see others' photographs or to join in the fun!  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Giveaway Winner

Thanks to the help of my lovely assistant,

I can tell you that the winner of my recent PrintRunner business card giveaway is Alicia!  Congratulations, Alicia! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bunny Bono*

*Title compliments of Josiah (age 10).

We spotted a new bunny in our yard a couple of nights ago...

a much bigger bunny...

a much goofier bunny...

and he had a lot of fun running hopping around the backyard.

Bono seems to either run at full speed (at which point 6-year old Grace calls him a cheetah), or hop like a bunny.  This particular night, he felt like hopping.  I have yet to get a photo of Cheetah Bono.  ;)

This post is linked to 5 Minutes for Mom and Sarah Halstead at The Naptime Momtog for Wordless Wednesday.

Click here and leave a comment on that post for a chance to win 250 FREE business cards!  Giveaway ends Wednesday, October 10th at 10:00 p.m. EDT. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fall Flowers

My morning glories (although Grace has certainly claimed them as her own)...

Grace's cosmos that she planted this summer...most of them are at least as tall as Robert!  They tower over Grace now.

What's blooming in your yard?

Photos are SOOC.

Click here and leave a comment on that post for a chance to win 250 FREE business cards!  Giveaway ends Wednesday, October 10th at 10:00 p.m. EDT.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wittle People Wednesday

Grace (6) has been wearing the little prairie girl dress that my mom made me when I was little. 

Every day.

I think my mom made this dress during a Holly Hobby phase rather than a Laura Ingalls Wilder phase like it is right now for Grace.

Grace had caught a butterfly and wanted me to see it before she set it free.
Make that a Laura, Almanzo, and Rose phase, since she's reading the various series...She's an avid reader, and has already re-read some of them.  Little House in the Big Woods remains her favorite.  I think if I were six, that would be my favorite, too.  However, These Happy Golden Years is my favorite now that I'm (somewhat) grown up.

Were/are you a fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder?  Do you have any fans in your family?

This post is linked to Wittle People Wednesday.

Click here and leave a comment on that post for a chance to win 250 FREE business cards!  Giveaway ends Wednesday, October 10th at 10:00 p.m. EDT.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Bono

Our not-so-little puppy Bono is now 6 months old...

and at 45 pounds, he is half a pound lighter than Grace (6 1/2 years old) according to the veterinarian and pediatrician scales.  

He seems to share the same aversion to having his picture taken as the other males in this house!  ;)

This post is linked to 5 Minutes for Mom and Sarah Halstead at The Naptime Momtog for Wordless Wednesday.

Click here and leave a comment on that post for a chance to win 250 FREE business cards!  Giveaway ends Wednesday, October 10th at 10:00 p.m. EDT.

Giveaway: Business Cards [CLOSED]

I was recently contacted by PrintRunner, an online printing company, about hosting a giveaway on my blog.  PrintRunner offers--among other products--online business card printing.  I am pleased to tell you that I have a giveaway for 250 business cards!

Giveaway Details:
  • Business Card Size and Style: 2x3.5 (Standard) 
  • Quantity:   250
  • Colors:    4/4 Color Both Sides
  • Paper:    14 pt. UV Coating on Front, 14 pt. UV Coating on both sides
  • Proof:   NONE
  • Rounded Corners:   NO
  • Ready To Ship In:   3 Business Days
  • Standard shipping is free. Expedited shipping is available but will be paid by the winner.
Please note:  This giveaway is open to US Residents only, ages 18 years old and above.

Would you like to win 250 business cards? Leave a comment telling me how you would use the business cards for a chance to win! (Please make sure I have your email address so I can contact you if you are chosen as the winner.)

For additional entries, you can leave additional comments for each of the following things you do:

  • Follow my blog with Google Friend Connect
  • Receive my blog posts via email (enter your email address in the Feedburner box at the top of my left sidebar)
  • Promote the giveaway by posting a link to this post on your blog
  • Promote the giveaway by posting a link to this post on Facebook
  • Follow PrintRunner on Twitter
  • Like PrintRunner on Facebook

The giveaway ends on Wednesday, October 10th at 10:00 p.m. EDT, at which time I will randomly pick a winner from the comments. PrintRunner will email the winner with instructions on how to claim the prize.

Disclaimer:  This generous giveaway is offered by PrintRunner, and I will receive 250 business cards for hosting the giveaway.