
Monday, October 29, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

This week's photo scavenger hunt items were:
  1. Sparkle
  2. Pattern(s)
  3. Machine
  4. Signs or logos
  5. Rocks or stones


Grace's eyes sparkled when she had the chance to ride a horse for the very first time last night!  We went to a fall festival at a local church, and this was the first time there was not a terribly long line to ride the horses they have every year. 

Grace (6) was tickled!  She loves horses!  She said she felt really big way up there.


The birds flying together didn't seem to have any pattern...I think they were just thinking, "We have to get out of here!  Now!!"  The temperature dropped dramatically yesterday afternoon.


My 13 year old washing machine died last Tuesday.  :(  We are hoping to buy a new one in the next couple of days, but in the meantime, thanks to my friends Kim and Kelli, there have still been clean clothes hanging to dry in my laundry room (and elsewhere).

That's homemade laundry detergent in the Purex bottle.  :)


We saw the sign for the hay ride at the fall festival but decided not to stay out in the terribly cold wind any longer.  (OK, Jason and I decided not to stay any longer.  Josiah and Grace would have been fine with taking a ride, I'm sure.)


 Rocks or stones

This was the best I could come up with this week for this topic.  This is what we use to hold the pens and pencils that are always on our kitchen table.  I decided not to fight that losing battle and came up with  something pretty enough to keep out. 

Click on the link below to see others' photographs or to join in the fun!  

1 comment:

  1. great interpretations!

    There is nothing like the sparkly eyes of a child having fun!


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