
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wittle People Wednesday

Grace (6) has been wearing the little prairie girl dress that my mom made me when I was little. 

Every day.

I think my mom made this dress during a Holly Hobby phase rather than a Laura Ingalls Wilder phase like it is right now for Grace.

Grace had caught a butterfly and wanted me to see it before she set it free.
Make that a Laura, Almanzo, and Rose phase, since she's reading the various series...She's an avid reader, and has already re-read some of them.  Little House in the Big Woods remains her favorite.  I think if I were six, that would be my favorite, too.  However, These Happy Golden Years is my favorite now that I'm (somewhat) grown up.

Were/are you a fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder?  Do you have any fans in your family?

This post is linked to Wittle People Wednesday.

Click here and leave a comment on that post for a chance to win 250 FREE business cards!  Giveaway ends Wednesday, October 10th at 10:00 p.m. EDT.

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