
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You Capture: Pink

Pink! That's pretty easy around here. You see, I have a little girl who loooooooves pink. And she usually has her pink things scattered around the house like she thinks she's in charge of decorating. This week, I've been constantly picking up eggs...and, yes, mostly pink ones.

Seriously, after an Easter egg hunt last year, she had only a dozen eggs in her basket, and all of them were pink. I was watching her during the egg hunt--she would glance down and pass by all non-pink eggs. "Blue? I don't want that one. Green? Nah. Pink? Oh, yes!"

This year, she wasn't quite so particular with her eggs. Still, they ended up being mostly pink, purple, and orange...her favorite colors ever since she could respond with "pink, purple, orange!" when asked, "What's your favorite color?"

Grace, age 5, with her Easter basket filled with eggs

It seems I've been participating in You Capture long enough that my children have stopped asking me why I'm getting my camera out to take random pictures at, for instance, the post office. I'm slightly amused by this since I became so used to hearing, "Mom, what are you taking a picture of?"


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Trees

These were taken along a quiet country road near our house...

Visit 5 Minutes for Mom, Shibley Smiles, and Baba's Farm Life for more Wordless Wednesday fun.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Sleep

I figured it's been nearly a month since I've posted a photo of Grace sleeping, so here you go--Grace sleeping with Emily, Emily, and Emily!

A few days ago, as Grace was lining up several of her baby dolls, I asked her if Emily [well, one of the Emilys] was her favorite baby, since she was her first baby. She stopped what she was doing to look at me and said, very diplomatically, "They are all my babies and I love all of them."

Visit 5 Minutes for Mom, Shibley Smiles, and Baba's Farm Life for more Wordless Wednesday fun.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Vacation: Part One

I hesitate to say "Part One" because then I typically don't get around to posting "Part Two." But here are some photos from the first two days of our trip to Jacksonville, Florida, last week.

The first day was spent mostly in the car. I won't show you all the pictures I took of Grace with her babies (she brought Emily, Emily, and Emily), but I'll show you a picture of her talking on her "phone," a.k.a. a box of Tic Tacs.

Who was she calling? Her baby Bella, of course. She wanted to see how things were at home. I took pictures as we drove because that's always a good way to pass the time. (And, naturally, many of them didn't turn out. But it still helped pass the time.)

The next day we tried to sleep in after a restless night. We ate a late breakfast

Robert on his iPod while we waited for our order.

and headed over to Neptune Beach just to get our feet in the sand, much to the disappointment of Josiah and Grace.

We didn't have swimsuits on yet--Jason and I prefer late afternoon to avoid the crowds and much of the sun--but the kids enjoyed wading in a little...

and these two could have run back and forth in the shallow waves for hours.

That night, we went to a minor league baseball game. The Jacksonville Suns played the Huntsville Stars--and the Suns won! It was an exciting game, especially with such an entertaining pitcher. Seriously, how can he pitch like this? He looks more like he's doing some kind of dance. That's his leg blurred above his head. I'm tellin' ya, ballet dancers and gymnasts are envious of his flexibility.

Robert enjoyed some pre-game time on his iPod. (Do you see a pattern yet? There was certainly a pattern.)

Josiah, who usually likes baseball enough to watch a game, said he was just waiting for cotton candy and for the fireworks after the game...and I think he said more than a couple of times that he was just waiting to get back to the beach. Apparently, we were torturing the poor child by choosing the game over the beach.

Grace enjoyed seeing the mascot, South Paw (a dog), and his friend Sunny the Bunny, as well as a bright red snow-cone and the fireworks.

Ah...the fireworks...

Lots of fireworks.

Want to see more of our Jacksonville vacation pics? Check out these posts:
You Capture: Smiles
Vacation: Part One
Vacation: Part Two...The Zoo
Vacation: Part Three...Quirky Photos
Vacation: Part Four...The Beach(es)!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You Capture: Smiles

From our recent vacation in Jacksonville FL...

Grace (5) and Josiah (8) with a painted turtle at Neptune Beach

Josiah smiling (nearly constantly) just because he's finally at the beach

Robert even smiled at the beach ;)

I'm pretty sure this fella we found at the Jacksonville Zoo was smiling, too.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Overheard: The best day of my life!

As I was getting Grace (5) settled down at bedtime, she gave me a big hug and told me,

"Remember, Mommy, tomorrow is the best day of my life! And the next day, too!"

I asked her why in particular tomorrow would be the best day of her life, and she immediately answered,

"Because it's Sunday and I get to learn about Jesus!"

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14 NIV)