And anyone who has walked into our home and sat down knows that, chances are, sooner or later Grace will come sit beside them with a stack of books and matter-of-factly say, "Read these to me."

She may even correct your pronounciation or say the entire text of the parts of the story that you thought you could skim over.
She "reads" her favorite books many times a day...she has many of them memorized.
And she and her baby Emily love to go to the library every week...
But this little bookworm also sleeps with books.

And that makes for some awfully cute pictures. Don't you agree? ;)
These pictures are all just darling! I love seeing her with books in so many different situations. Too cute!
Those photos are very precious of Grace! My son likes to be read to, but my little girl wont sit down long enough for it yet! :)
My oldest daughter, Tiffany, was exactly like that! I used to sit and read to her a couple hours a day, and if I ever dared to skip a word here or there to get through a book faster, she always called me on it!!! That photographic memory has helped her quite a bit through the years, especially in college and as a pianist, and her love of books continues to this day! Your Grace is an Adorable Book Worm! Enjoy!~
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