
Friday, November 7, 2014

Here's a Question...

How do you restart blogging after taking an eleven month break?  I'm asking for a friend.

I still can't believe it's been eleven months.   I have thought often of my poor, neglected blog, and thought about how to jump back into blogging regularly.   And then I thought of how to explain my absence,  and all the updating I would "need" to do...

Because my children's photos on the sidebar are about two years old now...and various links need to be redone or removed...and I haven't had short hair in a few years so my profile photo would need to be updated...

And I would put it off again..and again...because life got a bit busier during my blogging break.  For instance,  Robert is now a senior, with weekly football games that are close to wrapping up.

Robert is number 84.  My sideline shots are the only ones where you can tell who is who. 

And so here I am, just deciding to start where I am and change what I can when I can.  And that will be OK.

That, and I will be in a chili cook-off tomorrow, and I'm supposed to come up with a name for my chili.   All I came up with (besides "My Husband Signed Me Up For This") was Cheeky Chili.  I guess this is as good a reason as any to jump back in, right?  And maybe I can hit some highlights of the past eleven months with occasional "Throwback Thursday" posts.

Baby steps, y'all.

If you're interested in the chili recipe I use, click here for the recipe and click here for how I mass produce my own chili spice packets ahead of time as well as to see what changes I make to the original recipe to suit my family.

1 comment:

  1. I have heard of this chili. The reputation is growing.


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