
Monday, September 30, 2013

Photographic Tour of a Local Church

Our rather informal homeschool group has been meeting at a new location, and I let my kids give me a little tour around the periphery of this historic United Methodist church last Friday since we were (gasp!) the first to arrive.  We began on the right of the front of the church and walked all the way around.

As you'll see, I love the architectural details...

Front corner

Side of church where there was a garden area

Angel statue in the garden area

Around the rear of the church

Sunburst around the rear of the church (SOOC)

Front of church

Front of church

Front corner

 I stalked a butterfly...

and so did Grace.  She caught the butterfly in her hands!  It's pretty impressive how often she can catch butterflies bare-handed.  (And, yes, she lets them go.)

Grace (7)

As a bonus shot, this is one of the "creepy" areas, according to my kids.  I edited the photo a little for effect--it's actually quite lovely with the ivy growing up the outer wall.  

This post is linked to 5 Minutes for Mom and Sarah Halstead at The Naptime Momtog for Wordless Wednesday.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I'm joining in on Scavenger Hunt Sunday after taking a few weeks off!  This week's scavenger hunt items were

  • Rule of thirds
  • Made me smile
  • Lines
  • Alone
  • Together

Rule of thirds
I love the translucency of the butterfly's wings...and love that I actually got a shot with the wings spread open.

Made me smile
This little angel statue in a local church's garden made me smile...

A dragonfly decided our clothes line would be a perfect resting spot.

(And now I get a little lazy with my interpretations...)

I was alone when I took this shot...

And I went out to eat together with my husband thanks to my Secret Sister's gift for our 18th anniversary earlier this month...a gift card to Longhorn!  This was the shot I took as we arrived at the restaurant.

Click on the link below to see others' photographs or to join in on the fun!  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wordless Wednesday...Or not

Grace (7) talking...and talking...and talking...on the phone to her best friend who moved to Texas last month.

This post is linked to 5 Minutes for Mom and Sarah Halstead at The Naptime Momtog for Wordless Wednesday.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Josiah

One of my favorite photos of Josiah...

Josiah when he was nearly four years old:

June 2006

Josiah (now 11) was baptized two Sundays ago (September 8, 2013)!  Here's a more recent shot of him:

April 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Morning Glories

Morning glories in (read:  taking over) our yard...

This post is linked to 5 Minutes for Mom and Sarah Halstead at The Naptime Momtog for Wordless Wednesday.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Walking Bono our backyard.

Grace (7) in July 2013
Grace loves walking Bono, even if it's only in our backyard.  

Bono doesn't mind.   He's a pretty laid back puppy and puts up with nearly everything

...which is a really good thing considering his size!  

I wish this photo weren't so blurry.  It would have made a cute shot.  

I'll have to post some more recent photos of Bono.  These were taken earlier this summer, and Bono has really filled out since then.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Works For Me Wednesday: "Be Ready" Morning List

This year, I made a "Be Ready" list for my younger two kids (ages 11 and 7).  It's posted in the kitchen as well as in their bedroom as a reminder of what they need to do to be ready to start school, as well as a reminder of what school work they can begin either together or on their own before I'm available. 

Because they still need to be reminded.  Every day.

* I added "Bed made" after taking this photo.  Every time they look at me blankly and ask, "What do I still need to do?" I count off these first 5 things on my fingers.  Maybe one day they will be able to look at their own fingers and remember 5 things, too. 

Until then, I can still refer my forgetful kiddos to the "Be Ready" list, and that works for me!

Check out We Are THAT Family for more Works For Me Wednesday posts.

Wordless Wednesday: Lost

Somewhere in this house there is a little lost tooth...  (Ick.)

Grace (7) had to leave a note for the Tooth Fairy last night.

Josiah (11) recently told me that he had seen "on the news" that the nationwide average amount of money the Tooth Fairy leaves is $3.80.  She doesn't leave nearly that much here--she leaves $1.00, which is four times the amount she left me for the majority of my lost teeth when I was a child.

How much does the Tooth Fairy leave in your home?

This post is linked to 5 Minutes for Mom and Sarah Halstead at The Naptime Momtog for Wordless Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013