
Monday, September 30, 2013

Photographic Tour of a Local Church

Our rather informal homeschool group has been meeting at a new location, and I let my kids give me a little tour around the periphery of this historic United Methodist church last Friday since we were (gasp!) the first to arrive.  We began on the right of the front of the church and walked all the way around.

As you'll see, I love the architectural details...

Front corner

Side of church where there was a garden area

Angel statue in the garden area

Around the rear of the church

Sunburst around the rear of the church (SOOC)

Front of church

Front of church

Front corner

 I stalked a butterfly...

and so did Grace.  She caught the butterfly in her hands!  It's pretty impressive how often she can catch butterflies bare-handed.  (And, yes, she lets them go.)

Grace (7)

As a bonus shot, this is one of the "creepy" areas, according to my kids.  I edited the photo a little for effect--it's actually quite lovely with the ivy growing up the outer wall.  

This post is linked to 5 Minutes for Mom and Sarah Halstead at The Naptime Momtog for Wordless Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Almost didnt recognize the church. Great pics**


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