
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Country Roads

I have a LOT of fun taking pictures in the fall.  (OK, so it's more like year round...)  My kids have even stopped asking me, "Why are we stopping?  What are you doing?  Why are you taking a picture of that?"  They just sit and wait for me to finish taking pictures, and not a word is said. 

Well, not a word is said to me.  The younger two (9 and 5 years old) hardly ever stop talking. 

These are two of my photos from this week.  We had finished running errands and I went the long way home.  This road is just a couple of miles from our home, and looks peaceful and relaxing to me.

This post is linked to 5 Minutes for Mom (Wordless Wednesday) and I Should be Folding Laundry (You Capture).

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Peace is seeing a sunrise or a sunset and knowing Whom to thank. 


All photos are SOOC.

Fall Colors: Part Two

More photos--this time, they're all from my backyard. 

The moon rising in the late afternoon sky...

Berries on a tree just over our fence...

Beautiful fall colors all around...

 And a fiery sun setting through the trees.

Visit 5 Minutes for Mom for more Wordless Wednesday photos.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fall Colors

 These are some photos I took last week on the way to our homeschool play date

 and before leaving the play date.

But this--this is my favorite shot.


Do you take lots of pictures of the leaves changing colors in the fall?

Visit 5 Minutes for Mom and My Little Drummer Boys for more Wordless Wednesday photos.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; 
where morning dawns, where evening fades, 
you call forth songs of joy. 

Grace (5) calls sunsets like these rainbow sunsets. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award

My friend Elizabeth recently (OK, last month) awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award!  Thank you, Elizabeth! 

Hmmmm...Versatile Blogger.  I'll take that to mean that I blog about several different topics.  Which topics?  Good question!   I checked out my top categories, and this is what I found (with the photography-related categories combined):

Photography (292 posts) is the clear winner around this blog, with humor-through-children coming in next with the Kooky Talk (69 posts) and Overheard (59 posts) categories.  Giveaways (36 posts) are certainly fun and something I would like to do more of.  I never knew I blogged about Christmas (27 posts) so much.  My Works For Me Wednesday posts (19 posts) tend to be frugal ideas...

And that makes a wide variety of topics.

Part of accepting this award is to tell seven things about myself.  So, here goes... 

7 Random Things About Me:

  1. I eat dark chocolate every day.  Seems I've said this before, like here and here.  I think it's a good place to start any list.
  2. I have finally kicked my two decade long Diet Coke habit and now only drink unsweetened tea. 
  3. Blogging is cheap therapy.  Yes, I've said this before, too.  If I haven't blogged for a while, I'm not very focused on much of anything.  Sad, but true.  So, if you haven't seen a blog post from me in several days, you would be doing me a kindness to say, "Post something. ANYTHING." Really--because I am not thinking clearly and can't figure it out on my own.  ;)
  4. I have learned fairly recently that I like digging holes.  Wait--it's not as bizarre as it sounds. maybe it is.  But I'm preparing a garden spot for next year and I have found digging to be another form of therapy for me.  And that's a very good thing, seeing as we have really hard clay that must be dug thoroughly (read:  deeply) for anything to grow.   So far, I've dug two spots that are about 3x7 feet, with a depth of somewhere between the length of my shovel head (the first hole) and the length of my leg from the knee down (the second hole is deeper now that I have muscles). 
  5. I've also started composting, seeing as all that clay won't grow anything no matter how well it's dug, and composting is free.  Where am I putting the compost?  In the holes I've dug, of course--trench composting.  :) 
  6.  I may or may not be contemplating a very redneck expansion of my clothes line.  The "expansion" would involve turning the swing set so it is parallel to the back porch and running a new line from the (other) porch post to the (other) side of the swing set so both sides of the swing set would be used instead of just one like it is now.  Classy, I know.  And if I do this "expansion," I'll certainly take pictures of it, which will only add to the classiness.
  7.  I am perplexed as to why my younger two children (ages 9 and 5) are all of a sudden telling me rather nonsensical jokes and stories and then asking me if I "get it.", I don't.

Now, I am supposed to pass this award on to 15 (you've got to be kidding!)  a few other blogs. Check out these other versatile bloggers!  

Kari Apted (absolutely the most versatile blogger I know!)

Dawn at My Home Sweet Home 

Julie at From Inmates to Playdates 

Katie at A Southern Lady's Ramblings  (a new homeschool friend I just met)