
Saturday, June 18, 2011


Oh, how I've missed taking pictures of sunsets! You see, my camera decided to die last month...and this time for no apparent reason, unlike last time. I'm afraid this time it might be for real. Just in case, it's sitting in a bag of rice, which is what revived it last year when it was damaged by water.

I am so appreciative of my aunt and uncle who let me borrow a digital camera they were not using! Now I can go back to taking pictures of gorgeous sunsets...

which is great because we've had some colorful ones lately.

And I even get to play around with very cool features like panorama shots, where the camera stitches together three photos. I took this panoramic shot tonight. (You can click on the photo to get a larger view.)

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1 comment:

  1. GORGEOUS sunsets!! Love the panoramic shot! I hope the rice revived your camera. :-/


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