
Thursday, October 7, 2010

You Capture: Faces

A few weeks ago, I ran across a post by BooMama where she quoted from a TV show, "Those of us who are busy require hands-free hydration." (This is probably from The Office but I'm not sure...she also referenced 30 Rock, and I don't watch that one, either.) I immediately thought of a frequent scene in my kitchen...and I was just waiting to work it into a blog post somehow. :) These are not posed--as evidenced by the next two shots--but, given the chance, this is what Josiah will do while doing a worksheet. And, yes, he is continuously drinking water from a straw while he writes...and it drives me just a little nuts.

Grace is so excited to have weather cool enough to wear her "new" pajamas with Barbie on the front. She put them on, came running up to me, and gushed, "Isn't Barbie so pretty, Mommy?" I told her that Barbie was pretty, but not as pretty as my little girl. She protested. I still hold my ground...because I'm right.

All of these are SOOC. I didn't even fix the blue smudge on Grace's cheek that was from the hand stamp she got at the library. Those gorgeous eyes are all her own.

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry, and join in on the fun!


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  1. Barbie has nothing on her!!

  2. Arresting eyes! Pretty girls, handsome boy. From the look on his face I think he knows he's driving you a little crazy.


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