
Thursday, October 14, 2010

You Capture: Animals

When I heard that this week's challenge was animals, I was almost at a loss. We don't have a pet. (I know, neither does Beth or probably about a hundred of you out there reading this...if there are that many reading this...OK, I'm really being generous here with that number.)

But then I started seeing the animals--the ones I saw but couldn't take pictures of, like the dead bird in the road at the end of our driveway (Oh, please tell me you wouldn't want to see that!), or the skittish squirrels that have finally made it into our yard after all these years, or the white cat that jumped the fence into our back yard this afternoon and promptly jumped back over to continue prowling the neighborhood.

But, fortunately, I also managed to capture some animals...digitally, of course.

We took a day trip to Athens and saw a bulldog that was just waiting to be loved on

as well as a ferocious sand dragon with a long red tongue that was just waiting to be climbed on by tall boys.

In a strange turn of events, Grace's beloved Emily turned into a puppy (and a boy puppy, at that, complete with a blue collar).

Stranger still, Grace turned into a puppy, too!

Oh, wait...that's not so strange. Grace even has a puppy name: Sweet Dog. It suits her.

Now, shhh! Don't tell anyone, but we saw animals at the library.

And we even took some home with us.

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry, and join in on the fun!



  1. Lions, Tigers, and Bulldogs, Oh My!

  2. aww, wonderful captures for this week's theme.

  3. Great captures. I love the first two photos!

  4. I just love those bulldog pictures! They are all such cute pictures. Glad you didn't share the dead bird. :-)


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