
Thursday, September 9, 2010

You Capture: Signs

This week's You Capture photo challenge is signs.

When Jason and I went on a date for our 15th anniversary, we told the kids we went to Chuck E. Cheese...

(We didn't. We gleefully drove right by it just to take the picture of the sign.)

The sign we see each week when I go grocery shopping with the kids...

I seriously love ALDI. They have a standard layout of the store that doesn't change often; I have a standard weekly shopping list ("laminated" with packing tape, so I can cross off what we don't need with a dry erase marker). I give the list to Josiah and he does the majority of the shopping while Robert pushes the cart while Grace helps me get the items I don't put on Josiah's list. The best part? We are in and out in around 20 minutes, even if there is a line to check out! And even with an 8 year old boy doing the majority of the shopping. How cool is that?

We have these signs everywhere around here. There are sooo many four way stops in this area.

Three signs for one school...

Signs appear everywhere...even inside your car.

And, sometimes, with a smiley face.

Signs that the days are getting shorter. (That means cooler weather, right? Just checking...'cause we're still hitting 90 degrees.)

This is how dark it was as we left church last night.

Last but not least...signs that you are a homeschooler and/or a geek: You come home from your anniversary date at Red Lobster with this in the to go box for the kids to see

and you get really excited that you won this book in a giveaway on another blog...and that it came in the mail today.

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry, and join in on the fun!


Check out my giveaway for 250 die cut business cards! Leave a comment on that post by September 20th for a chance to win.


  1. :) I love the lobster tail. Were the kids excited. Why did you tell them you were going to Chuck E. Cheese?

    Congratulations on 15 years of marriage. That is wonderful!

    Love that your grocery trips are so easy! That is awesome. There isn't an Aldi's too close to me or I would definitely go more often!

  2. We told them, as a joke, that we had gone to Chuck E. Cheese because we figured there would be at least one child wailing "Nooooooo!" (As in, "Why did you go without us?!") However, they know how much we dislike going to CEC and didn't even believe us! ;)

  3. Great shot of the lobster tail! And I still find it amusing that Aldi is so big in the US now. They started over here in Germany and are of course EVERYWHERE. Love their offerings!

  4. What a fun, interesting post with a great variety of pictures! My favorite has to be the Valvoline sign in the car with the smiley face. Does it make you smile every time you get in the car?
    And I'm so impressed with your organized grocery shopping. I think I better write down some notes.

  5. Ha, ha! Bet they were jelous they didn't go on the Chuck E Cheese date.


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