
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

You Capture: Mornings

Grace ran over to my side of the bed and began climbing over me. I asked her, "What are you doing?" She ever-so-briefly stopped climbing to reply, "You know what I'm doing!"

It was time for the Baby Deer Game.

Grace gave her instructions: "Pretend you wish you had a baby deer and you see this bush shaking."

OK..."Oh, how I wish I had a baby deer! Why is this bush shaking? Could it be a baby deer?"

It's a little hard to get excited about a shaking
pillowbush so early in the morning, but she sure is cute. Plus, after I find my baby deer, she usually does a silly little deer dance for me after she snuggles with me. Trust me...the baby deer dance does not translate well in photos. I tried.

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry, and join in on the fun!

P.S. Check out my giveaway for 250 die cut business cards! Leave a comment on that post by September 20th for a chance to win.


  1. So cute!! I love the games they make up that become daily rituals! So funny!

  2. The baby deer becomes a ballerina later on -just before it changes to a newborn little girl and then a bulldog and then ...

  3. Cute shots! :) Kids make up the funniest games...

  4. My oldest son hides under the pillow not to get up. I guess he thinks that I won't notice he's there then.

  5. Soo cute! The baby deer game is adorable!

  6. So cute. I love your story to go with it.

  7. oh how funny. Kids have the best imaginations!

  8. cute! my little one always wants to be a baby bear!

  9. What a cutie! Can't wait til ours starts playing silly games...or rather that I can understand what the games actually are :)

  10. Way cute! I hope my son will do things like that! Yay for you, plus the pics are gorgeous!

  11. hahaha! I love it! I love the games they make up :)

    stopping by from you capture!

  12. How adorable! And what a great game :)

  13. Very cute! I'm finding that games like this are very helpful in motivating things like brushing teeth, getting jammies on, heading up stairs for nap etc...


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