
Friday, September 17, 2010

You Capture: Flamingos

OK, so the actual challenge for this week is photographer's choice--we get to decide whatever we want to capture. This was harder than I thought it would be, simply because I took a LOT of photos of a LOT of interesting things. The weeding out process was the hardest. ;)

All of these photos are from one person's home. I promised to let the person remain anonymous, but you still get the pleasure of touring her home. Enjoy!

There's a lot of character

Why, yes, that is a real chamber pot!

The "face vase"

Slightly creepy but interesting lamp

The owner says it looks like an Addams family lamp...what do you think?

a lot of paperweights

So many interesting pieces

Prince Poppycock?

Small "piano babies"

Please note the tiny glass rooster at the far right. Impostor?

and a lot of flamingos!

This last shot captures the eclectic nature of my anonymous friend/relative and her home...a basket of fruit.

But this is not just any basket of fruit, of course--this has plastic fruit, glass fruit, cloth onions, and plastic veggies!

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry, and join in on the fun!


Check out my giveaway for 250 die cut business cards! These business cards are a great way to promote your blog or business! Leave a comment on that post by September 20th for a chance to win.


  1. Best post yet! Still laughing.

  2. Cool!! I love the frogs and the chamber pot is too pretty to... you know...... use. I always thought those glass paperweight thingys were pretty. I have a couple myself. The lamp was pretty but yet a little creepy all at the same time.



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