
Thursday, August 26, 2010

You Capture: Outside

This week has been crazy since we are still getting in the routine of school and I haven't been taking as many pictures as usual. In fact, I almost had only a photo of a chipmunk to share.

The kids (Josiah and Grace, at least) love that chipmunk. We've lived here for nearly 11 years and these last few weeks have been the only time we've ever had a chipmunk in our yard. They even attempted to wake up Daddy to show him the chipmunk one morning.

He valiantly resisted their efforts...and I don't blame him one bit.

But, anyway, we did manage to spend some time outside enjoying this slightly cooler weather we've had. And I remembered to take some pictures to share.

Grace marching around with a flag:

Josiah playing with bubbles:

I know this is blurry, but I just love his expression. He usually either doesn't smile for me or makes a goofy face.

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry, and join in on the fun! Next week's challenge (and, oh, how appropriate that word is): Mornings.


Click here for a chance to win 100 free professionally printed flyers.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Giveaway: Flyers has another generous giveaway for my readers!

This giveaway is for 100 flyers, which you could also fold to be used as brochures. These work great for supporting a cause, promoting your business, printing menus, and any other application you can think of. With professional online printing, it just makes the process of getting the word out that much easier!

For hosting this giveaway, I will be receiving 100 flyers, too, which will work very well for a ministry project at church that my husband has in mind.

Giveaway Prize:

  • 100 8.5x11 Flyers
  • 100lb Paper Gloss
  • No Folding
  • 4 Color Both Sides Printing
  • Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above
One of my readers will be receiving 100 flyers from might as well be you, right? All you have to do is leave a comment to have a chance to win. And if you subscribe to my blog by email or by reader (either currently or newly subscribed), you can leave an extra comment for another chance to win! Please make sure I have an email address to contact you if you are the winner.

I have used UPrinting for several projects now, and I can tell you that the service is great, the quality is excellent, and the online ordering process is so easy! You can trust them for your flyer printing needs.

A winner will be picked from the comments on August 30th at 2:00 p.m. EDT. The prize will be awarded via email to the winner's email by the end of September.

P.S. For those of you who know me in real life, I would be glad to help you get a project together if you are interested in any of my giveaways but don’t quite know where to start. I’ll be glad to help in any way--Just let me know! :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You Capture: In the Kitchen

This week's You Capture challenge is "In the kitchen."

And I had no clue what I was going to photograph until tonight, when I started snapping away while my children were supposed to be getting in pajamas after we arrived home from church.


Let's start with the refrigerator. But I absolutely will not show you my actual refrigerator...only something that sits on top of it. This cute chubby guy belonged to my great-grandparents and great aunt, and I inherited it after my great aunt Mildred passed away a few years ago.

After her death was perhaps the first time--or at least one of the few times--I was actually allowed to touch the thing. Never mind that, as a child, I could stand nose to, um, nose with him on the shelf he sat on in their kitchen. Touching it was not permitted. And my Aunt Mildred could somehow sense when you were standing in the vicinity of this little jar because she was ready to remind you not to touch, even when she was two rooms away.

OK, moving on to the view from my kitchen sink...

This cross ornament (a Christmas ornament) has probably been in my kitchen window ever since we moved here nearly 13 years ago. It is still (mostly) white and starchy like it was when it was new, despite a less than ideal location. I have thought about moving this cross but...can't. Won't.

This metal-work butterfly is also in my window.

It was a gift from my boys several years ago and hovers above this African violet.

The African violet hasn't felt like blooming in the last few months but is still pretty and still growing well. This was something Josiah brought home one Wednesday night after his teacher at church helped the children in her class plant tiny African violets for a Mother's Day gift. (See, Dedi? I told you it was still alive...and growing! How old is it? Five years?)

And this is my only other indoor plant that has survived over the years. This is one of two cacti that are in a pot...and I have to admit that there was a third cactus that didn't survive my care. I think I may have over-watered it.

We guess what else we have in our kitchen? Lots and lots of books.

No, I won't make you see all of them. There are lots and lots more.

We also have a globe (also from my Aunt is old and outdated when it comes to the names of several countries!); colored pencils, crayons, and markers; and...a chicken.

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry, and join in on the fun!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Overheard: Foot in mouth?

The kids and I were driving in the van this afternoon and a commercial for a hair removal procedure came on the radio. This is the conversation that followed.

Josiah [genuine disbelief]: Shaving your legs?!

Me: Yes, women shave their legs.

Josiah [still in shock]: But...why?

Me: Because if they didn't, their legs would be about as hairy as a man's legs, and most women don't want that.

Josiah: Oooohhh. So that's why kids like dads more than moms.

Me [waiting for it]: Really.

Josiah [confidently]: Yeah, 'cause dads are more furry...kinda like a pillow.

Me [totally ignoring the "furry/pillow" remark and helping him dig a deeper hole]: So, kids like the dads more than the moms?

Josiah: Sure, except for when the mom fixes a snack, or does something nice for us.

If you think about it--when he comes to mind--please pray for Josiah...he needs it.

Grace: Don't worry, Mom! I like you better than Dad!

So, yes, Grace needs your prayers, too.

Grace (17 months old) and Josiah (5 years old)
August 2007

Thursday, August 5, 2010

You Capture: Summer

On Friday, my friend Vicki invited us to go pick blueberries with her family and her grandchildren who were visiting. What fun! Everyone (else) got buckets and picked blueberries

and I got my camera and took lots of pictures. :) We all had fun!

Grace, naturally, had to bring a baby along...

Josiah was a blueberry pickin' machine...

And Robert, of course, spent some time throwing blueberries at me instead of putting them in his bucket.


Have you picked any berries this summer?

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry, and join in on the fun!
