
Thursday, August 5, 2010

You Capture: Summer

On Friday, my friend Vicki invited us to go pick blueberries with her family and her grandchildren who were visiting. What fun! Everyone (else) got buckets and picked blueberries

and I got my camera and took lots of pictures. :) We all had fun!

Grace, naturally, had to bring a baby along...

Josiah was a blueberry pickin' machine...

And Robert, of course, spent some time throwing blueberries at me instead of putting them in his bucket.


Have you picked any berries this summer?

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry, and join in on the fun!



  1. Looks like fun!! Berries are so fun to take pictures of (and pick!)

  2. Looks like fun. We need to pick some. Just need to find somewhere. Great pictures.

  3. I love seeing your pictures. Glad to see your camera was working that day!

  4. MMM... I can almost taste them!

  5. Where did y'all go blueberry picking? Those sure look like some sweet blueberries!! Miss you!

  6. I have not picked any berries this summer but it looks like fun. =) Enjoy what's left of summer!!!

  7. Your little girl is so stinkin' cute! I would say that about your boys too, but they'd probably be offended. Let's just say they are handsome! :) Looks like you had fun. We usually go blueberry picking, but at this point in our lives, a freezer full of blueberries probably isn't a good idea! :)


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