
Thursday, June 3, 2010

You Capture: Best Shot

This week for You Capture, we had to pick only one shot to share.

After much searching through this last week's photos, I finally picked one. This baby alligator visited a VBS my children and I have been attending this week:

So now I can say that I shot an alligator up close. Not that I would, of course...

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry, and join in on the fun!



  1. Ewww....I don't think I'd be so close.

  2. No, I didn't touch it (the handler didn't allow anyone to touch any of the reptiles he brought). And the only reason I was so close was because they guy saw me taking pics from the back row and came over to me!

  3. is the theme crocodile rock this week! My kids would LOVE that!!

  4. That's so awesome! Great capture, for sure.

  5. aw, he's really cute! very unusual (and wonderful) capture.

  6. I think baby alligators are so cute! Now, their mommies and daddies?? Well...not so much.

  7. Dawgs good, Gators bad


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