
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Works For Me Wednesday

I haven't participated in WFMW in a really long time, and the one week I decide to participate, they have a theme.

One that I'm not following.

Oh, well. I'm not going to link up with them since I'm not following the theme, but if you want to check out boredom busters for this summer, head over to We are THAT Family for the "Mom, I'm Bored!" Summer Edition of WFMW. There are already 140+ bloggers with great ideas for keeping busy (keeping the kids busy) over the summer break, and you can even check out the last two years' "Mom, I'm Bored" editions.

But back to my non-theme Works For Me Wednesday...These are the things I am very excited about finding online that I can't wait another week to share:

Free fonts to download at FontSpace! (If you are looking for Western fonts for this year's LifeWay VBS, go here. You will see additional categories on the left sidebar. In fact, that's a good place to start even if you're not looking for Western fonts.) There is even a link with instructions on how to install the fonts, or you can go here for a more detailed explanation.

Free virtual printer from PDF Forge! Once downloaded, the PDFCreator will show up in your drop-down list of printers on your computer, and you can save as a PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP, and other file types.

Reading the Bible in one year! At the Women of Joy conference, Becky Tirabassi challenged us to read through the entire Bible, and to do this every year. Rather than beginning with January 1st (Because...hello? It's not January when you decide to do this, right? And who wants to be that behind, or try to figure out the date you should be on?), you can begin with the 1st or 15th of any month, and you pick the sequence (chronological, historical [by the approximate date each book was written], from beginning to end, and more). You can pick your translation if you want to do you daily reading online through their site, or copy and paste the reading list to keep it in your Bible as you follow your one-year plan.

And, yes, I still need to finish my Women of Joy recap...Thanks for the reminder...

1 comment:

  1. The pdf forge thing sounds very interesting! And can't wait to check out the Bible in a year. ALSO, thank you for linking to summer ideas. As you know, we are not quite finished with school, but I can already sense the impending boredom!


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