
Thursday, July 30, 2009

You Capture: Friends


This week’s theme of the You Capture blog carnival hosted by Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry is Friends.

The boys have been friends this week (well...mostly). Apparently it's easier to be friends while you're in trees. ;)

And what have they been doing in the trees? Nailing a poor little blue monkey to a branch

and, in their words, "torturing sock puppets."

Grace playing with friends at church:

And Grace with her most favorite friends, a stack of Henry and Mudge books.

Check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture participants.

And the winner is...


My friend Dannielle is the winner of my recent giveaway! Congratulations, Dannielle! And thanks to all who participated!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The spider web

This was a hardworking spider, because my son and I just swept the front porch, top to bottom, yesterday. spider in sight:

Don't forget! My giveway ends tomorrow (Wednesday) at 11:00 a.m.! Click here to leave a comment for a chance to win a free 16 x 20" rolled canvas print!

Friday, July 24, 2009


Last night some friends and I got together for what we have dubbed our "small group Bible study reunion" that we occasionally have but haven't in a while. Last night was our send-off for our friend Suzy, who is moving back to Indiana tomorrow.

And if I'd thought about it, I would have gotten pictures of us together.

We laughed, told dozens of stories, laughed some more, tried not to cry, and just talked and talked. Then we hugged Suzy, said goodbye to our friend, and tried not to cry some more.

I'll miss you, Suzy! I will be praying for you and your family to get settled quickly, to find a solid church, and to connect with godly friends. I'm already looking forward to your visits. :)


Within the last month, I have gotten back in touch with one of my best friends from high school. This is the same girl who said (and I agreed) that we would not be those people who call each other up when they're nearly 40 to try to catch up on things before their 20 year high school reunion, because we were going to stay in touch and remain friends no matter what happened after high school.

(Let me just pause here to say this, because I simply cannot say this enough...You couldn't pay me enough money to go back and relive those years in high school.)

Well, guess what? We didn't talk on the phone after finding each other after all these years...we found each other on Facebook. And neither of us are going to our 20 year high school reunion this weekend. With Jason's final exams for his online summer classes this weekend and next week, we need to stay close to home. And my friend? She's getting married tomorrow! Congratulations, Miina!

Oh, and did I say "nearly 40"? I meant "thirty-something"...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Giveaway: Online Poster Printing

Have you been taking lots of pictures this summer? How would you like to get one of your favorite photos printed as a 16x20" Rolled Canvas Print?

And how does FREE sound?

Online Poster Printing is giving away a free 16x20" Rolled Canvas Print to one of my readers. All you have to do to enter is to leave a comment telling me what YOU would do with your poster print.

Me? I'd be really tempted to put this up in my son's room...

So, leave your comment!* Comments will be closed on Wednesday, July 29th, at 11:00 a.m. and a winner will be picked randomly at that time. Make sure I have your email address or another way to contact you. [You may email me privately with this information at cheekybeans (at) wmconnect (dot) com.] And make sure you have a high-resolution photo ready!

About Online Poster Printing
Online Poster Printing specializes in printing high-quality posters using premium materials. We offer a money back guarantee on all our products, such as photo canvas prints, vinyl banners, wall stickers, and rolled or mounted poster prints.

Giveaway is open to US/CAN residents. Shipping of prizes is not included and must be paid by winner. Online Poster Printing reserves the right not to print obscene or offensive materials.

All designs submitted in the form of a giveaway may be used by Online Poster Printing for online marketing and promotional uses. The designs will be used solely as examples and will not be printed or commercially distributed.

* If you receive my blog posts by email, please click on the post title to get to my blog. Next, click on "Comments" at the end of this post. You can leave an "Anonymous" comment...just as long as you tell me who you are within the comment. :)

You Capture: Black and White


This week’s theme of the You Capture blog carnival hosted by Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry is Black and White.

I snapped this one in exchange for Robert getting computer time. He normally doesn't willingly pose, but bribery still works. ;)

This is Josiah in his favorite place. And, yes, he really looks that intense most of his waking hours.

I love the way Grace's eyes look in this shot! Isn't she gorgeous?

Check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture participants.


Click here to enter my giveaway to win a 16x20” Rolled Canvas Print!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gorgeous Sunsets

We have had an abundance of gorgeous sunsets this month!

This is the only one that isn't a view from our backyard.

Visit 5 Minutes for Mom or Wordless Wednesday for more Wordless Wednesday participants.


Click here to see my previous Wordless Wednesday photos.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

"Lovin' on da pank flowers"

As we were heading into one of our favorite places to eat after church on Sundays, Grace was so excited to see pink flowers that she stopped to hug them.


She hugged them as we were on our way back to the car, too, which was when I snapped this picture while Jason was wondering what our little girl was doing. (She was telling the pink flowers how much she loved them, too.)
And the blog post title? That was totally from Grace. ;)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What I Learned This Week: A new shape

It's been a while since I participated in the "What I've Learned This Week" blog carnival hosted by Jo-Lynne at Musing of a Housewife.

It's been a while since I posted much of anything over here...but I knew I had to share this. It's big news, folks. Big news! I learned that there is a new shape out there that I have never heard of before.

Really, I thought I knew all the shapes there were to know! But that was before my 7 year old told me he had invented one.

This, my friends, is called a vench, and it is a new shape invented by Josiah, age 7.

You're welcome.

Josiah also told me about another new shape he has invented called a var, but he said it was very hard to draw. He's still working on drawing that one for me.

Now, head on over to Musings of a Housewife to see what others have learned this week! I'm pretty sure there won't be any posts about new shapes. ;)

Click here to see what else I’ve learned in other weeks.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Oh, hi! Remember me?

It has been quite a week or two. I've missed you! :) I will write a rambling post soon with pictures from our church's VBS as well as Josiah's birthday party, but first I have to take care of some bloggy business.

You might have seen the button on my left sidebar for Uprinting, an online printing company (and if you get my blog posts by email, you can click here to see it). I recently became a sponsored blogger with Uprinting, which basically means I advertise for them and, in return, they will offer some generous giveaways to my readers as well as some extra perks for me.

I’ll let you know as soon as I have any of those generous giveaways to offer to my readers. :)

This week they are offering me 500 free business cards to help promote my blog! How awesome is that? Thank you, Uprinting!

Why isn't your average printing company:

Blog Sponsorships:
If you are looking to find a sponsor for your blog, is definitely interested. We offer giveaways, advertising and more for qualified bloggers.

Non-Profit Sponsorships:
The U-Community Program sponsors hundreds of non-profits and education to improve our local communities.

Social Justice Projects:
The UPrinting Kiva account promotes small business growth in developing countries.

Green Printing:
UPrinting supports a sustainable future by recycling, using non-toxic inks, and offering eco-friendly recycled paper stocks for business cards and postcard printing.