
Thursday, July 23, 2009

You Capture: Black and White


This week’s theme of the You Capture blog carnival hosted by Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry is Black and White.

I snapped this one in exchange for Robert getting computer time. He normally doesn't willingly pose, but bribery still works. ;)

This is Josiah in his favorite place. And, yes, he really looks that intense most of his waking hours.

I love the way Grace's eyes look in this shot! Isn't she gorgeous?

Check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture participants.


Click here to enter my giveaway to win a 16x20” Rolled Canvas Print!


Please leave a comment--I love hearing from you! If you don't have an online ID, you can click on "Anonymous" (4th option below) and leave your name, initials, nickname, or whatever within your comment.