
Thursday, April 2, 2009

You Capture: Spring

Or, "You Capture: The week I show you weeds from my yard." Whatever...


This is Week 6 of the You Capture blog carnival hosted by Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry. Each week Beth presents a new challenge and this week’s challenge was Spring.

I took this picture this morning after it rained for a couple of hours. Ahhh...nothing says "Spring" like rain drops on weeds waiting to be mowed. ;) But I thought it made for an interesting photo.

Speaking of weeds...

And my three year old calls these "magic." I'll let you guess what she loves to do with them.

Now, this is what I am looking forward to--morning glories! Because weeds aren't the only things growing 'round here...

Those tiny elephant ears will eventually grow into this, one of my favorite flowers (and a favorite of the bees, too):

This last photo was taken by my son, Robert, in 2004.

Check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture participants.


  1. What a fantastic bumble bee capture. All of your photos were fantastic, but I got really excited when I saw the bee (ok, feeling strange). And, dandilions ARE magical. Your daughter is right.

    When I Grow Up

  2. You make weeds look downright lovely :) I also love Morning Glories...have you ever planted them together with Moon Flowers?

  3. The raindrops on the leaves IS really cool! Nice job!

  4. magical dandelions....ah yes. It's all so lovely that springy! great pictures!

  5. Grace is absolutely right! They are magical. And had you not pointed out that the first was weeds I would have thought you planted shamrocks or clover... next time SHHHHHHHHHHH! LOL

  6. Those weeds show up and nothing kills then off! lol My boy was out picking some the other day... he thinks they are pretty flowers.


  7. I love morning glories! There are bunches that grow wild by us.

  8. Love the MAGIC dandelion. That's adorable. :)

  9. powder puffs i've heard them called sometimes. i enjoyed looking at your weeds instead of my own - lol! how funny, but quite understandable :O). thanks for posting - i enjoyed it!

    my YOU CAPTURE post today includes drops, buds, and kitties. you are always welcome in The Shadow of the Cross. feel free to visit anytime :O).

  10. The dandelion pictures are great! Dandelions always me think of Horton (you know, the elphant).

  11. How cool that you caught the back end of a bumble bee (or Robert caught it), but it sure was neat. The rain droplets were so clear. Great capture. My kids loves "magic" flowers too!!!

  12. Dandilions: Magic until you realize that they only create more weeds in your yard ... yet another dream that adulthood robs you of!

    I like the shot of the water drops on the weeds (looks strangely like my yard!)


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