
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Poor Emily

I'll show you this if you promise not to report Grace to the authorities...

When I first saw her dragging Emily around--and gleefully swinging her--I stopped in my tracks. Grace saw the slightly horrified look on my face and quickly assured me, "Oh, Momma, Emily likes this. She says it's fun!"

I'm not so sure about that. Emily looked awfully relieved when I removed the leash from her neck once Grace tired of this strange play...


  1. Oh my goodness... but in her defense I at one time was guilty of leashing Russell (he was a rambunctious little boy!). But there was no dragging or swinging involved. OK, OK maybe there was ~some~ dragging. LOL

    But not long after my ex-FIL witnessed the cute little monkey leash, it mysteriously disappeared. hmmmmmm.....

    This will definitely be a picture to pull out when her first baby arrives. ;)

  2. Oh my... must. call. CPS. =)

    Happy Easter!

  3. I just burst out laughing when I read your first line and then looked at the picture! Bwahahaha!


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