
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

The photography prompts for this week's scavenger hunt were:

  1. Where I stood
  2. Silver
  3. Tiny
  4. In the cupboard (which I skipped entirely)
  5. Shadows
From where I stood in the kitchen earlier this week, I looked out our window to see the last remaining bit of color on our trees in the front yard.  The window was open because of much warmer temperatures that we had for a few days.

A friend braved the rain to take us both to our church's "Secret Sister" party one night.  The raindrops on the windshield looked like gold and silver droplets with the house and Christmas lights behind them.  (Yes, I know it's a stretch.)

Saturday was the Christmas parade in the square.  I have a confession to make:  in the 14 years we have lived here, this was the first time we ever made it to the Christmas parade.  Most  years we planned to go but something came up (other plans or obligations, illness, etc.) and some years it just never made it on our radar.  We went this year, and it was wonderful!

There was a (relatively) tiny and impressive replica of the clock tower and court house as one of the floats.

And this is the real thing:

The clock tower is enveloped in shadows in the next shot.

But these two shot, from my archives and from a time when Grace was 6, are my favorite shadow photos.

June 2012

October 2012

Click on the link below to see others' photographs or to join in on the fun!  


  1. Nice pictures, the silhouette of the girl and the tree is awesome and I love the closeup of the water droplets.

  2. Nice set. - Wow you were able to have windows open, we'd be freezing here if we did that.
    I liked the rain shot on the window.
    Cool replica of the clock tower and great to see the real thing.
    Our light parade for Christmas was postponed due to bad weather.
    Sweet memories of your daughter with those cute shadow shots.

  3. Well, two things, I absolutely love your shadow shots. They are great. And second your silver shots are genius. What an eye. It is not a stretch at all.

    The last Christmas parade we were at here in Tulsa was years ago. We were freezing watching the parade when a near riot broke out right next to us with a bunch of hooligans fighting each other. Up rode a Tulsa motorcycle cop who dismounted and strode right into the middle of it, taking care of things. My respect for cops when from the abstract to the real at that minute.

  4. These shots are all just great. I especially like the silver and the last shadow. So precious!

  5. I have never been to a Christmas parade, but I did grow up going to the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade as I lived in Queens NY. Now we have to watch it on tv as I live in rural PA. I love the miniature shot and seeing the real thing, I really like it at night.
    And I think your last shadow shot is so cute.

  6. I love your silver shot and don't think it's a stretch at all. And I can see why you love that last shadow shot. It's a great one!


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