
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

This week's scavenger hunt items are:
  1. Pattern
  2. Sunglasses
  3. Round
  4. Looking in
  5. Crunchy


This was an awesome pattern to see tonight at our church:  Operation Christmas Child boxes ready to be filled at the packing party.

The boxes looked even better filled...

(So far, our church has collected at least 120 boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  November 25th is the deadline for dropping off boxes--It's not too late to put together a box that will make a difference in the life of a child!  Click over for more information on drop off locations, or make a donation to help cover shipping costs.  You can find a video of Si Robertson packing an OCC box at that link, too.)


Here's Grace (7) sporting her sunglasses...


Poor Bono has had the cone of shame for the last couple of weeks because of a wound he caused on his hip.  He gets around well with it now, and actually stands still when it has had to be put back on because of him chewing at the site again, but it was quite an adjustment for him at first.  (Think:  Large puppy...smallish house...lots of furniture.)

Looking in

Grace received her very own Bible after memorizing the books of the Bible last week!  (Yes, all of them--Old and New Testaments!)

Now she is "looking in" God's word.


It's crunchy leaves, of course...

Click on the link below to see others' photographs or to join in on the fun!  


  1. Great selection -especially the little girl*

  2. Very enjoyable set for the hunt.
    I think that is awesome about the Christmas boxes.
    Your little girl looks cute in those sunglasses and how fantastic that she earned a Bible for memorizing all the books of the Bible, such a pretty color cover too.
    Nothing like crunchy fall leaves.

  3. I like the 2nd operation Christmas boxes the best of the 2. The sunglasses is very cute. The Bible is great. I think when a child has their very own Bible that they love they will spend more time "looking in" and learning.

  4. Poor pup. Hope he gets rid of the cone soon. What cute pictures for sunglasses!


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