
Thursday, May 16, 2013

"What happens at Myrtle Beach stays at Myrtle Beach"

...except for the photos.

We had a great time at the Women of Joy conference in Myrtle Beach earlier this month, and I am so thankful for having the opportunity to go...

especially since we had a surprise guest:  Kim, who moved with her family back to Pennsylvania earlier this year!  She flew down to meet us at the conference.

We had, for the most part, rainy, dreary weather


but it was still a wonderful weekend of refreshment with godly (and wonderfully goofy) friends...

godly teaching at the Women of Joy conference...

Disclaimer:  Photo taken in 2011; hence, the beautiful sky

Disclaimer:  Photo taken in 2011

good food...

Bimini's was a great local seafood restaurant

Another great local restaurant:  River City Cafe
(And another disclaimer:  Photo taken in 2011)

and good music.

The guitarist with "the hair"

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