
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Play time

Our homeschool group went to the park for the last time now that the school year is ending. (We have two more days left next week.)

Grace (7) indulged me with a little photography session...

She also came over to me and whispered in my ear, "Call me Indiana!"  (Indiana is the Indian name that she came up with last year, and it is still in use.  You can click on the link to see a photo of Grace as Indiana, complete with a feather.) She had told a little girl she was playing with that her name was Indiana.  I can imagine the conversation she had with her family later on...

As an aside, we never had signs like this when I was growing up...

We knew to test the slide with our hand first, and then have the kid with jeans on go down the slide several times before the rest of us did.  :)

The kids had fun playing together until they were muddy

Josiah (10), with his less muddy side showing

and pleasantly tired (and a little spacey)

and still not ready to stop playing.

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