
Wednesday, May 2, 2012


(No, they are not our puppies...)

Last month we went to visit a soft-coated Wheaten terrier breeder to kick off our search of "a puppy I'm not allergic to."  Alas, I am allergic to these cute little puppies.  Just because a particular dog breed is on the list of hypoallergenic breeds does not mean I won't be allergic to them.

Josiah (9 years old)

Which is a shame, because it was definitely love at first sight!

Grace (6 years old)

Grace holding a pup and sitting with the momma.

Josiah's favorite of the puppies

This was a very sweet momma who didn't mind all of us holding her babies--she would make the rounds every once in a while to sniff her babies to make sure each one was OK.  She didn't even mind Grace going into the puppy pen.  

Grace in the pen, helping a puppy find a place to nurse.

So...the search continues!

This post is linked to 5 Minutes for Mom  and Energizer Bunnies' Mommy Reports for Wordless Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. May the search continue.. maybe a snake is a better idea


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