
Monday, April 16, 2012

You Capture: Chocolate

I can't think of a yummier theme for this week's You Capture...Chocolate!  

I stopped by The Chocolate Box for a little inspiration, since we were in the area today.   

Daisy, the owner, graciously gave me a tour of her delightful shop, and showed me some of the many chocolatey treats she makes:

Dipping a sample blueberry

Dark chocolate covered blueberries, plus one sample sized berry

Oooeee Goooeeeys:  Daisy's version of s'mores in a bag.

Chocolate covered Twinkie...How could this be wrong?  :)

Chocolate covered Nutter Butters

Dipped Rice Krispy treats

There were chocolatey-themed aprons...


And signs...Oh!  Her signs!  Loved them!

(But not as much as her chocolatey treats!)

Why, yes, those are chocolate handcuffs.  No comment.

This was her sign at the register.  :)


Here's a bonus shot of chocolate...A Hershey's Kiss in the glow of a computer monitor's button.  (This is SOOC except for cropping.)  The kiss is out of focus, but the shadow effect was pretty cool.

You can find The Chocolate Box on Facebook here.   If you're in the Conyers area, you can meet Daisy this Saturday at the Taste of Conyers event in Olde Town to taste some of her delicious treats! 

This post is linked to I Should be Folding Laundry (You Capture).


  1. Yes, definitely an inspirational place to stop at!! :) I love the sign at the register. e

  2. What a delicious post!! My mouth is watering.


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