
Monday, April 23, 2012


I have taken very few pictures over the last week, since a certain someone ran in front of me suddenly and broke my toe when my flip-flopped foot collided with the back of her shoe.  I have lasted this long without having any broken bones, so a broken pinky toe isn't too bad, I suppose.  However, it has kept me off my feet for as much as I can stand being off my feet. 

The upside to all this forced sitting?  I'm caught up with all my mending.  My house is a wreck, of course, but at least I'm caught up with something.


This week's You Capture theme is sunshine.  

Naturally, I thought of my little Miss Sunshine, sitting in the sunshine looking all beautiful

Grace (6 years old)

with her sweet, sunny personality.

She's always ready to be goofy, too.  :)

The sunshine has been doing its work outside in my little garden box.  This is what the zucchini and salad looked like on Thursday of last week:

Zucchini beginning to grow

Salad beginning to grow

Now, on Monday, everything has sprouted!  (Click on the photo to enlarge.)

Can you tell I had input from the kids on what to grow?  However, they had absolutely no say in how much salad I planted. 

I have some thinning to do, of course.  I planted extra of...well...everything because I was planting several seeds that were a few years old and I didn't know if they would even sprout.  Some are doing better than others, like this plot of zucchini, which is the same one pictured above and now has three seedlings:

The same zucchini plot

The other plot of zucchini isn't growing as much so far, but there's another brand new sprout poking its little green head through the soil so it's not through yet.


I have high hopes that this year we will actually grow more than herbs and one lone zucchini that we can eat.  :) 

Photos are SOOC except for cropping and text added...of course.  :)

This post is linked to I Should be Folding Laundry (You Capture).


  1. Square food gardening? So cool I haven't even planted yet, jealous. Such great sunny shots and a great grin.


  2. I absolutely love the pictures of your daughter! So adorable.

  3. Love the beauty shot of your daughter. It's neat how the sun lights her face and it's totally dark in the background.

  4. I love love love the two shots of your little Miss Sunshine. The first with her face in the sun was perfect until I saw her sunny personality in the next shot - then IT was even more perfect! What beautiful captures!

  5. I love the top picture of your daughter. Just beautiful.

  6. I adore that second portrait of your daughter. She looks so HAPPY.

  7. Is that carrots in your garden... we need to talk*

  8. WOW! That first shot is stunning. Great job!


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