
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

One day, while playing with her baby dolls children, Grace was singing her own version of "Crazy Train":  

Riding on the Rails of the Baby Train

Grace (age 5) - October 2011

She's heard her oldest brother practicing that song a lot over the last couple of years.  In case you've missed it, you can click here to hear Robert (age 14) performing "Crazy Train" at a recent music recital.

This post is linked to 5 Minutes for Mom (Wordless Wednesday).

Monday, March 19, 2012

Music Recital: "Dee"

As promised, here is Robert's performance of "Dee," a guitar piece by Randy Rhoads that Robert (age 14) played yesterday during the music recital.  Enjoy!

Check out Robert's performance of "Crazy Train" by clicking here.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Music Recital: Josiah's piece

Here is Josiah (9) playing "Lightly Row" during Sunday's music recital:

Josiah had taken a break from music lessons for the majority of a year...and proceeded to practice more often than he had when he was taking lessons.  Go figure.  He just now started back with lessons so he had one lesson under his belt before this recital. 

Great job, Josiah!

Music Recital: "Crazy Train"

Both boys had a music recital on Sunday.  Here is Robert (14) playing his first Randy Rhoads piece, "Crazy Train."  It has taken a sweet forever for the video to load on YouTube, so this is all I finished uploading tonight. 

As his music teacher said, he killed it. Way to go, Robert! 

Want to see his performance from last year?  Click here to see Robert playing Eddie Van Halen's Eruption.

Updated to add:
Here's Robert's performance of  "Dee" by Randy Rhoads.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Picking Flowers

Grace (nearly 6)

This post is linked to 5 Minutes for Mom (Wordless Wednesday).