
Monday, January 30, 2012

You Capture: Body parts

I found this post in my drafts folder.  This is something I put together nearly a year ago for a photography challenge before I went in a completely different direction (you can see that post here), and I'm glad I did--that's now one of my favorite posts.  But, since I was looking through my drafts folder, I thought I'd post this one since there are some pretty cute pictures in this post. 

That's my criteria:  pretty cute pictures.


This week's You Capture theme is body parts. (Um...yeah.) Now, I'm pretty sure there are going to be some shots of dogs

Buck the beagle, who is one of the greatest escape artists in the neighborhood.  He comes to visit our kids regularly.

and a cuddly little girl

Grace--age 4

giving instructions to her toy horse

and maybe even some fairy wings.

Grace--age 4


I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has a photo of Gutsy the Flying Fox

juggling basketballs.

The talented guest of our Upward basketball awards ceremony.

Speaking of body parts, Gutsy didn't have a tail.

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry.


1 comment:

  1. I love the title - YOU CAPTURE BODY PARTS!
    Sounds like a 1950s horror flick*


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