
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Our "Garden"

About the only thing I've been able to grow this year has been flowers and herbs. Grace has really enjoyed the morning glories that recently started blooming!

She named one spot where morning glories grow in our yard "Morning Glory Garden," and she makes a trip outside to pick as many flowers as I'll let her each morning (or as many as she can get away with).

And, yes, she is usually still in her pajamas.

These morning glories originally came from seeds I bought when Robert was the one picking me flowers--at least 8 years ago. When it's time to cut down the vines, I make sure some seeds fall where I want the vines to grow the following year and that takes care of it without needing to plant any seeds by hand.

And there are some places I don't let them grow anymore...

Robert (age 6) with monstrous morning glories that took over our front porch
September 2003

What about you? Have you grown anything this summer?

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