
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Birthday Boy...Celebrating his day

For Josiah's birthday earlier this week, he requested McDonald's for lunch,

compliments of free kid's meals from VBS (whoo hoo!). This is where he got his new favorite non-birthday present toy that is now referred to as his griffin.

And apparently it's an attack griffin.

Part of his present from us was some money to spend at Toys R Us

because the boy loves to spend money. (Which is why he is usually broke!)

We went to Pizza Hut for supper...with the griffin, of course.

After we got back home, we had his birthday cake.

Now, let me tell you about this cake before you judge my cake making and decorating skills. He picked out the cake mix and picked chocolate frosting to go with it. He also picked the Bundt cake pan and the "9" candle to put on the cake along with nine white candles.

And...he wanted Twizzlers on his cake. He wanted to help decorate the cake with the Twizzlers, so he spelled out "Happy Birthday" with pieces of Twizzlers. He also put a ring of Twizzlers around the top and bottom of the cake, as well as a smiley face (facing him) because, of course, you can never have too many Twizzlers on your birthday cake.

According to Josiah.

OK. Now you can see the cake.

We'll go with Josiah's story line that the griffin lit the candles.

We did the singing. The griffin can't take credit for that.

Happy birthday, Josiah!

Care for a trip down memory lane?

Josiah's 2nd birthday

2 year old Josiah with his famous superhero (baby blanket) cape, which he called his "superhero." Please note the 80s hair clips--They were my aunt's. We still have some that have survived the years with two boys using them to fasten all kinds of costumes, props, and tents.

Josiah (5 years old)

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