
Friday, March 11, 2011

Overheard: Josiah

8 year old Josiah

Josiah: Are we having a babysitter tonight?

Me: No. Why would we? [This was on Thursday]

Josiah: To celebrate survival. You know, if your family had 4 kids, you'd pick at least a day every year to celebrate survival. Especially if you're the mom.

Hmmm...I like this. I think I could celebrate survival.


Josiah: My mother didn't raise me to be a bench!

That's probably one of the few "I didn't raise you to..." that we haven't said. I suspect Grace was trying to sit on him.


Josiah [Looking out the kitchen window instead of concentrating on his schoolwork in front of him]: I wonder what those birds are thinking as they fly...

That pretty much sums up our week right there. Spring fever has hit!

How was your week?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...celebrate survival! That is hilarious! What a perceptive kid; he'll make some lucky girl a great hubby one day!

    LOVE your spring/bird pic!


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