
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You Capture: Warmth

Just last week I posted photos of our (brief) snowfall, and here we are talking about warmth.

But, more importantly, we are experiencing warmth. This was what our backyard looked like at 8:00 a.m. last Thursday:

And this is what it looked like at noon:

Whoo hoo! Now, that's the kind of snow we are used to in this part of Georgia...the kind that disappears very quickly.

Since last Thursday, we have warmed up quite nicely

and with that warm up, monkeys appeared in our trees.

(Unfortunately, the 8 year old monkey left the tree by the time the camera appeared. But I saw him climbing high into the tree as I watched from the kitchen window.)

With the warmth, there was the sudden appearance of long(er), skinny legs

as well as more shots thrown

and more baskets made.

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry.



  1. The sky is so beautiful in all your shots.

  2. I didn't realize you were in GA :) We're just north of Atlanta. Love the sky shots. We're in a super wooded area so our snow doesn't melt quite that quickly :)

  3. What an upside down cutie.

  4. Holy Wow. That is such a difference! I love the pictures and I really love your weather. How fantastic it must be to live in such a warm place!

  5. More BEAUTIFUL sky shots! And making me jealous of your ground...although we are beginning to see little patches of it here and there. Your monkey is so cute!


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