
Thursday, February 10, 2011

You Capture: Cold

This week's You Capture theme is cold. Now, I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who got very creative with this one, and I can't wait to see their shots. I, however, mainly have photos of the sky on cold days.

Now, cold is relative to most folks, so you don't have to leave comments telling about how I don't know what cold is since I live in Georgia. (OK, you can leave those comments. I really won't mind. In fact, I will sympathize with you.) My husband and I lived in Montana near the Canadian border for nearly a year--we missed the summer months, of course, and I was told (rather apologetically) that it was the coldest winter in the previous ten years--so, yes, I do know what cold is. :)

We had a lot of gray, gloomy looking skies over the last week (or more).

And we even got some sleet.

After our gray skies and rainy weather, it was so good to see some blue sky peeking out from behind the clouds! These are some shots from Wednesday.

And then...

This morning we woke up to white stuff

and the kids were more than a little excited!

It's melting rapidly as I type, which means we can have a somewhat normal school day. I can't tell you how disappointed Josiah is because of this fact!

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry.



  1. Don't worry - I won't tell you how cold it is here. You've heard enough of my griping. :) I love your sky shots, as usual - especially the ones following the sleet shot. And this morning's snow shots are gorgeous too! Hope the kids enjoy it 'til it melts!

  2. We're in GA, too...and got about 1/2" overnight. I was totally fine with that tiny amount! :)

  3. I love your final photo - what JOY!! Montana is one of the prettiest states we have ever been to - but I imagine the winters would be brutal. Enjoy your GA snow.

  4. Gorgeous sky shots! I love the swirling moodiness!

  5. I just love how excited kids get about snow!

  6. That last sky photo is awesome! Love all of your captures.

  7. Love your captures!

  8. I adore that last shot. That is exactly how I feel when it snows! HURRAY!

    I loved the progression in your shots- from dark, very threatening clouds- to it breaking away to those wispy ones with the gorgeous blue sky behind. What a beautiful photographic story

  9. I really love your 'sky' shots. There's something about those blustery clouds with blue sky trying to get through everywhere that just moves me. And I have to say that you did a great job capturing the movement in the all-gray skies. But then you always do a great job!

  10. I like that you focused on the sky. When I look outside in the mornings to "check the weather", I look at the sky to gauge the temperature! Not very accurate, of course. :)

  11. I had a hard time with this week's theme too but I like what you came up with. Gorgeous sky photos! And it looks like you're enjoying the snow too!

  12. From what I hear, GA has had its share of snow this year. Love your sky shots!

  13. Beautiful images! I know what cold is like too. I grew up in Wisconsin.

  14. Wow. What a pretty variety of sky shots. And you gotta love a snow-happy kid!

  15. Beautiful sky shots! Have fun with the snow!


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