
Thursday, January 20, 2011

You Capture: Circles

This week's You Capture photography challenge is circles, and we found circles on the tot-sized mushroom seats at the new library:

There were trendy circular lights at the new trendy library:

Tuesday night I used the last of the frozen blueberries we picked in the summer

to make blueberry pancakes. The batter was a funny shade,

and I rarely make circular pancakes, but they were delicious!

And, last but not least, the last of my Christmas-y decorations:

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry.



  1. your blueberry pancakes look yummmmmy!! and what a fun-looking library.

    great job! :)

  2. Your pancakes are much more circular than mine ever are! :)

    Still lovin' that new library.

    And, hey...put away your Christmas stuff, would you? :)

  3. Oh my goodness : ) Now I am dying for blueberry pancakes for breakfast : )

  4. This made me smile, because I put out a bowl full of gold and red Christmas balls every year, too! Nice captures!

  5. I like the pancakes and blueberries, very cool shots!

  6. Your blueberry pancakes look so good!

  7. Great circular ideas / and the post prior to that called "typical" was the funniest thing I have seen in awhile.

  8. Love the toadstool chairs, too cute and the pancakes look yummy!

  9. Good capture, the ornaments in the vase is beautiful.

  10. Ooh yum at the pancakes! I have been trying to make them but just cant seem to get them right :(

    Lovely shots!

  11. Great shots! My daughter also loves the Fancy Nancy books. Incredible work (that's fancy for great)! ;)


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