
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

(Not so) Wordless Wednesday: Emily

Grace started carrying around Emily by the time she was 16 months old, when she would find tot-sized places to sit with her on the Coke cases in the laundry room.

July 2007

July 2007

...Or on a new box of trash bags that hasn't been put away yet.

July 2007--Now Emily has a baby blanket.

Next comes table food (in this case, animal crackers).

August 2007

And then Emily became twins..."Emily and other Emily." We found the other Emily at Goodwill and, naturally, bought her.

June 2008

According to Grace, she can still tell which one is the "real" Emily, and this Emily remains her favorite...

September 2008

April 2009

even now that there are triplets.

January 2011
Grace with (left to right) Emily, Kenlee (she says this is a boy), and other Emily
(Kenlee is usually named Emily but it depends on the clothing)

Visit 5 Minutes for Mom, Shibley Smiles, and Baba's Farm Life for more Wordless Wednesday fun.


  1. Awww...sweet, busy mama! (Loved seeing a pic of you too!!)

  2. Triplets?!
    She (literally) has her hands full.

  3. Oh my gosh how cute that is. She's a good Mommy already.


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