
Thursday, December 16, 2010

You Capture: Outside

Last week, I went to a friend's house with another friend. It was a gorgeous day

and while the kids ran around and played outside,

we baked cookies!


Lots of cookies!

Yummy holly berry treats

New kinds of cookies...

These were sugar cookies that were "thumbprinted," filled with raspberry jam, baked and then drizzled with melted white chocolate. Yum! I just wish I'd taken a picture of the finished product...

And more familiar cookies...

Chocolate chip cookies are hiding underneath the cut-out cookies.

Oh, yeah...outside...

After church on Sunday, we were surprised to look outside to see snow falling. We rarely get snow in this area, (In fact, when Josiah was three he asked, "Is snow real?" because he couldn't remember it ever snowing.)

It was too cold for Grace to want to stick around outside after getting her picture made! I appreciated her effort to smile, even if she does look pained.

And when we do get snow...well, it's not in December! Not even a little bit of flurries...

The snow looked pretty but there wasn't much of it, and it didn't stick around for long.

The cold, however, stuck around longer than I'd have liked, especially with the windchill in the teens. My friend from Pennsylvania was delighted!

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry.



  1. Cookies, yummy, yummy cookies!

  2. lol windchill in the teens...try windchill around -30 although I'm sure that seems pretty cold to you since you rarely have snow.

    Cute pics and yummy

  3. I love your first photos with the swirly clouds. And, of course, I love your cookies shots! Makes me to hungry for some sweets!

  4. Beautiful sky captures!

    And as always your little one is just adorable!

    And I must know about those holly berry treats! What are they? Do you bake them? Did you pipe them on to the cookie sheet? What do they taste like? I am so very curious about them.

    AND I left you an award on my blog.

  5. Great shots! I just hate when winter stats before the start of winter ;)


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