
Thursday, November 4, 2010

You Capture: Silence...and Halloween

I know, I know--it's like oil and water..."silence" and "Halloween" just don't go together. You are certainly not experiencing any silence at fall festivals.

Robert dressed as a hockey player in sweats Jason, Josiah dressed as a basketball player, and Grace dressed as a princess ballerina. (So, basically, the younger two dressed as they would on a typical day at home.) Robert had his menacing glare down pat.

But there are rare moments of silence or, at the least, relative quiet, as our talkative Josiah reads in the van on the way to the library...

and, of course, I had to include a couple of photos of my beautiful girl sleeping.

Check out other You Capture entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry, and join in on the fun!



  1. Aww, cute! My daughter was a ballerina too.

  2. oh my, it must have been warm by you for trick or treating!!

  3. Your daughter is so cute! Looks like everyone had fun and were tuckered out!

  4. Love your photos and your daughter just looks so very sweet sleeping.

  5. Grace is just gorgeous! Love that first picture! And the one of her sleeping is so sweet too :)

  6. In my mind, there is nothing sweeter than photos of sleeping children!

  7. I know you've heard this from me before, but that Grace is just so stinkin' lovely!

  8. I love the sleeping photos. Someting about little ones napping is just so peaceful...

  9. Love the pictures! Your children are beautiful.

    -Jesslyn Amber

  10. Cute photos! You daughter looks so sweet, it must have been a busy day!


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