
Sunday, September 5, 2010

The consignment sale

Most of my friends know I've been pricing things like mad (and begging for clothes hangers on Facebook) in preparation for a consignment sale last weekend. Would you like to see before and after shots?


Some of the clothes that took over my side of the closet.

Some of the clothes that took over most of Josiah's closet.

Boxes and boxes of priced toys, books, bedding, more baby clothes in bags

There was also the travel playpen I forgot to price. I remembered that I had not priced it as I was trying to load the playpen into the van. Ugh. There was no tag for it...but there was also no room in the van for it anyway. As it was, Josiah carried a little riding toy (not even pictured above) in his lap!


I sold a little over half of what I consigned, including several homeschooling books! Since I still have plenty to consign, I'll be retagging everything for another consignment sale that is coming up mid-September. I'll continue going through boxes in the attic (and the kids' toys) to find more things to price. And this time I'll remember that playpen...


  1. YEAH!! I love getting rid of stuff! Especially if you can make a little cash!

  2. We're about to start doing a lot of that also. I would love to get some of our neighbors today and do a neighborhood sale...but I fear that just won't happen. Garage sales are not all that popular in Germany... *sigh* Instead I'll have to visit a few local consignment shops and scope out their prices...see what I can bring in. Because putting it all piece-by-piece on ebay will make me insane! Can't believe how many clothes & other things a 2 year old accumulates in such a short period of time!


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