
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You Capture: Spring (again)


This week's theme for You Capture is Spring...again...only this time we're challenged to find different things that mean spring to us than last week.

Let's see...there are rabbits in the yard

Grass trying desperately to fill in the bare spots

Kudzu growing on whatever it finds

And beautiful tree canopies.

There are squeals on the playground

And cheeks red from the heat rather than from the cold.

Last but not least, Spring also means a certain someone's birthday...Doesn't this seem like an awful lot of candles on his cake?!?

Our brand new teenager, Robert.

What does spring look like for you? Check out other entries at I Should Be Folding Laundry, or join in on the fun!


Check out my giveaway for a 24x36 vinyl banner!
This giveaway ends May 26th.


  1. There's a teenager in the house, there's a teenager in the house, run - save yourself !!

  2. yes, the park - yeah for the park finally!!

  3. Cute photos! :) I cannot imagine when my kids are teenagers. Whoa...but I know it's going ot be here before I know it.

  4. Adorable. I have three, count them, three! teenagers in the house. It's been pretty much wonderful with only a few "teenagery" moments.

  5. I am soooo happy to see green on the trees again.

  6. Aw, your daughter is so adorable! And I don't even want to think of my son being a teenager- no, let him stay cute and cuddly just a little bit longer!

  7. We haven't seen many bunnies around this year- I think it might be something to do with the coyotes that moved in. So thanks for sharing!

  8. Such cute kids. I want that cake...

  9. Great captures! Adorable bunny, and I love the tree canopy. And of course, those cutie pie kidlets are the star!

  10. Cute outfit Grace!! She is so pretty. Ahhh teenagers..... So far we've only had a few, short lived, tramatic moments. I think that is pretty good considering mine is a drama queen. I think Robert will be fine. --Sharron


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