
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Well, at least he's developing study skills

My oldest son (age 12) has found that typing a summary of a section in his science book helps him prepare for an upcoming quiz or test. I happened to read the first paragraph in his latest typed pages:

The human circulatory system transports nutrients and other vital chemicals around the body. It also picks up wastes, such as science books much like this one, to be expelled from the body.

He used to title his science notes files as "Boring Science Stuff," and now it is simply "Module 14" or whatever section he is currently studying. That's an improvement, right?

I think I'd better print and frame this post by my friend Dawn that I ran across today. My favorite quote from her article? “God has a plan for your child and you won’t mess it up.” I'm holding onto that...


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