
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A little housekeeping

I haven't been doing a good job of promoting my giveaway this time around...but I've been busy doing stuff...really.

I'll be the nursery director in our church for 2010, and I've had dozens of ideas bubbling around in my brain. If only those ideas would get in line...instead, they bump around each other and make me a little crazy. ;) One of the things I've been working on has been creating a design layout I could use for the postcards I'll be receiving from I have been looking around online for some ideas for reminder postcards for the nursery volunteers, and there's really not that much out there. So, here's my take on the project, using a 6x4 layout like the UPrinting postcards will be:


BackI also created a new front for the ones we'll print off ourselves so we can use a little less ink and it'll still be cute. :) Plus, I don't think the guys on the nursery rotation will appreciate the girly wreath photo too much...

If you happen to have a need for this kind of thing, email me and I'll be glad to send you the files in either Publisher or PhotoShop for you to customize, either for if you win my postcard giveaway or for another use.

Please click here to leave a comment on my giveaway for the 100 postcards from! The giveaway ends on January 5, 2010, so there's still time. And so far your chances are very good that you will win. ;)

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