
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Giveaway: Postcards!

Postcards are perfect as invitations, thank you cards, or note cards. And because of the generosity of my blog sponsor, UPrinting, one of my readers has the chance to win a set of custom postcards. Plus, I will also receive a set of custom postcards for hosting this giveaway.

Giveaway Prize: 100 Postcards for one (1) lucky winner
Paper: 14pt Cardstock Gloss
Full color both sides
Sponsored bloggers and Winners have to pay for shipping.

This is what I have done with one of my previous orders for UPrinting postcards:

(Front view of a postcard for children who visit our children's church program, Adventure Kids, with space to write the visitor's name with a Sharpie.)

What would you do with custom postcards? Here's one idea...If you haven't gotten your Christmas cards out yet, and don't see yourself getting that job done in time, perhaps you'd like to put a family photo on one side of the postcard and a message to your family and friends on the other. Or you can leave the message side blank and write your own personal message.

Starting or promoting your own business? UPrinting has templates for a variety of industries, so you don't have to build something from scratch unless you want to.

What are your ideas?

Enter the giveaway by leaving a comment on this post telling me how you plan to use the postcards. I will randomly choose a winner from the comments at noon on January 5, 2010. If you receive my blog via email or feed, you can leave an extra comment. If you blog about my postcard giveaway and link back to this post, you can also leave an extra comment, giving you a total of three possible comments. Make sure I have your email address to contact you if you win! (You can click on "View my complete profile" on the sidebar and email me from there if you wish.)

The winner will be awarded via email with a coupon code on January 8, 2010.


  1. I would use those postcards to send notes to the children who ride my Sunday School bus. I love getting mail, and no doubt they will too!

  2. What a neat idea....I'd use them to send cheery notes "just because."

  3. Thank you for participating in our giveaway! We truly appreciate the support.

    For any of you who have a blog and would like to host your own giveaway, apply for blog sponsorship @

    Also, check out our latest Sales and coupons @


Please leave a comment--I love hearing from you! If you don't have an online ID, you can click on "Anonymous" (4th option below) and leave your name, initials, nickname, or whatever within your comment.