
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You Capture

With this week's You Capture blog carnival, we choose what we captured. The kids and I recently visited with Henry and Wanda, a couple who are like family to me--they've known me since I was 6 months old when they moved in the house next door to mine. I grew up with them being like a second set of parents and with their kids being my best friends...and when they moved out to the country, I cried and cried. It wasn't that far away, but it was no longer right next door.

I thought I would share one part of our visit...

Henry had a special treat for the kids--bottle feeding a 3 month old calf! Josiah and Grace got a head start running down the road towards the barn.

The calf was starting out towards the gate when she heard Henry. When she spotted all of us, however, she stopped in her tracks and wouldn't move until Henry went inside the gate with the milk bottle.

I think Grace would have gladly fed this calf bottle after bottle...

Henry and Wanda with Robert, Josiah, and Grace

Look who's almost as tall as his mom!

Check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture participants.

Click here and leave a comment to enter for a chance to win 100 brochures! This giveaway ends on November 9th at 10:00 p.m. All giveaway products are totally customized by you and professionally printed by


  1. I love these pictures! What a fun outing and a special time with special family!

  2. what fun memories! great familytime!

  3. So sweet, and isn't it wonderful how your friends' move to the country just added another dimension to your friendship? Great pictures, beautiful story

  4. what a wonderful story these photos told!

  5. What a unique experience! Great captures :)

  6. I love love love the kids running down the country lane. It's beautiful. All the calf shots are precious and the group shots have every single person looking nice at the same time (how do you do that?).

  7. Whoa! Is twelve when kids get as tall as their Moms? Crazy! These are great captures of your beautiful family!


  9. Oh my!!!! He is so tall!!!!!! I can't believe it! WOW!

    Amy, remember these days because they pass so quickly and can never be recaptured except for in the memories and photos! I luv ya girl!

  10. So simply does not happen


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